
Simone Hörster, Peak Pilates® Master Instructor | Germany

Simone Hörster, Peak Pilates® Master Instructor | Germany
Geschrieben am 26-11-2022 durch Mad Dogg Athletics
Simone Hörster did her Peak PilateSystem® training with Eduardo Laranjeira and Claire Dunphy and has been training Pilates teachers as a Peak Pilates® Master Instructor since 2004. She trains regularly with Pilates elder Jay Grimes and lives the concept of lifelong learning.

Why did you choose Peak Pilates® for your certification?
Peak Pilates® was at that time the only worldwide recognized classically oriented Pilates training institute in Germany and my ballet training partner from the USA recommended the training to me. I took lessons first and liked the classical Pilates workout so much that I signed up for the training a few weeks later. To this day, the name Peak Pilates® provides a good reference, both for our trainees and for me as a training instructor.

What do you love about Pilates?
EVERYTHING, but especially that it is a holistic workout. I like the routine that allows me to dive deeper and reach the state of mental and physical flow. Of course I also like the endorphins and that I keep in shape.

What is your mission as a Peak Pilates® Master Instructor?
I would like to share the art of Contrology and help aspiring Pilates teachers understand Pilates as a system. Of the Pilates institutes I know, Peak Pilates® simply has the clearest methodology and the most comprehensive training materials.

Anything else you would like to share?
Our fully equipped pilates studio is located in an impulsive area in the center of Berlin and easy to reach. Always worth a visit!

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